In FIFA Mobile, a popular mobile football game, you have the opportunity to transfer the training ranks or level of one player to another. Want to transfer a player’s rank to another but don’t know how to? I am going to teach you how to do the transfer process within seconds.

How To Transfer Training In FIFA Mobile

On your cell phone, open the FIFA Mobile game app and sign in to the account. After logging in, you must check whether you have enough transfer points or training transfer items. You can get FIFA points or training transfer items by completing the reward path, watching ads, or from the Start Pass section.

Get Transfer Training Points or Items

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After you have gained enough points or training transfer items, navigate to the “My Team” section. Next, remove the player from your current line-up, and after successfully swapping the player, go to the “Market” section. In the market section, sell the player that you removed from the line-up.

Go to Transfer Market

After pressing the “Sell” option, a message will pop up indicating that players with training are not allowed to be sold, so you perform a “training transfer” process. Click on “Go” to carry out the transfer process.

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After clicking on the “Go” option, you will see a “Training Transfer” section, which displays the list of target players. From the list, click on the player you wish to transfer the rank and level to. However, this transfer process can only happen under one condition: you can only transfer the ranks to another player with one lower level.

Transfer Training

In simple words, you can transfer a Rank 4 player’s training to any other player with Rank 3 or less. Now that you have finally selected the player, press the “Unlock” option to use the player. The final step is to click on the “Transfer” process.

Now, navigate to the player’s list to check whether the transfer process was successful and fulfill the remaining instructions. Furthermore, if you upgrade one person Overall (OVR), it does not mean that the team’s OVR will also upgrade. Instead, you must try to balance your other player’s OVR to roughly the same level to avoid dropping your team’s Overall (OVR).

Note: We also have PC version of FIFA Mobile on our website.

The transfer process is straightforward; trust me, it will only take you a few seconds. First of all, after opening the game app, go to the “Transfer Training Level” option on the player and then select the target player you wish to transfer the rank to. The transferring process will cost you a certain number of points and transfer training items.

In conclusion, the transfer training process in FIFA Mobile MOD APK can be carried out in seconds without any extra effort. By following the instructions outlined in this guide, you can successfully transfer training ranks or levels to another player.

However, to successfully transfer ranks, you need training items and transfer points. You can get these points by completing the Reward Path, Star Pass section, or simply by watching ads.